Ghost Whey Protein

Ghost Whey Protein
There are a lot of protein powders out there, but there is only one that really stands out. Ghost whey protein. One thing that makes Ghost products stand out is their unique and funky designs. When you look at protein powders on the shelves they are in black and silver with terms such as *Extreme muscle* or *ultra-premium* splashed across the front. Ghost products come in a cream coloured tub with monkey’s and ghosts and graffiti-like funky writing scrawled across it. Ghost protein products are focused on the pre-workout and are planning to become the world’s first - lifestyle, sports nutrition brand. Ghost is not only a refreshing brand, but they also make cool products!

How does Ghost whey protein stack up?

In one scoop you get 130 calories, 4 grams of carbs – which includes sugar and fibre, 25 grams of protein, and 1.5 grams of fat. Ghost contains 10% of your recommended daily intake of calcium and 6% of your iron. If you are on a more restricted or controlled diet, it has 40mg of cholesterol which is 13% of your recommended daily intake and 160mg of sodium or 7% of your RDI. This makes Ghost great for those on low carb, low fat, or, low-calorie diets. When it comes to ingredients, the Ghost philosophy is to keep whey as simple as possible. With a shorter ingredient list than other popular protein products the whey protein mix by Ghost is comprised of Whey protein isolate, concentrate and hydrolysed whey – in that order, with each form of whey having its own benefits. Isolate has the most protein, and concentrate has other ingredients that are linked to health benefits – like CLA Fats and hydrolysed whey is absorbed the fastest. They even break it down to let you know exactly what is in each scoop –
  • 14.35 grams of isolate
  • 13.16 grams of concentrate
  • 2.98 grams of hydrolysed isolate
The product is gluten and soy free and unlike other protein powders it’s designed NOT to spike your insulin, and, because it’s low in carbs and fat and it contains three kinds of whey, it means it is a pretty good *anytime mix*. You can add it to something heavy in carbs – like milk and cereal if you want to boost your pre-workout nutrition. Or, if you are eating at night, during a period of low activity, you can mix it into something with fewer carbs and more fat – like yoghurt – or water and not have to worry about an energy crash. It is low in allergens – there is no gluten, corn or soy and does not contain any sweeteners which are present in a lot of other protein powders. The powder mixes and dissolves well, which is excellent as it is soy-free. Most protein powders use whey that includes soy lecithin as an ingredient as it helps with mixability. Ghost uses sunflower for its lecithin, so they can make a soy-free protein that mixes perfectly.   Read Also:

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