How to maximise your workout

How to maximise your workout
For some, health and fitness are ends in themselves, while others value the pursuit of fitness for the sake of results. Everyone wants to see results and feel like their hard work is paying off, but when you focus solely on the end game, you do lose track of the journey. Before you proceed to base your success off results, remember good results require consistency and are only a measure of your efforts. Whether you love or loathe a good sweat sesh, here are some tips to get the most out of your time at the gym so you can get results and live your best life.  

 1. Goals

Before you even set foot in the gym, you should have set some specific and attainable goals. These goals can range from weight loss or muscle gain, working out a certain number of days a week, or lifting a certain amount of weight. If you are just starting in the gym, your first goal should be to focus on learning proper technique and making a habit out of exercising regularly. Often, people set too many goals all at once only to become discouraged or give up after not achieving the goal. Setting short-term goals allow you to keep yourself in check. Once you reach that goal, reflect, reevaluate, and set the next target. Keeping a journal and writing everything down will help you keep track of your goals and monitor your progress, so you know how to improve.  Journaling will undoubtedly make you feel keen to smash your goals.  

2. Forget about motivation

Frankly, nobody feels motivated all the time – there will be times when you won't feel like exercising at all, but do it anyway, and you will feel so much better for it. Once exercising has become a habit, lack of motivation won't stop you. Avoid the temptation of skipping workouts by simply not making any room for excuses.  

3. Breathe

Focusing on your breathing will not only help you remain mindful during a workout but also keeps you focused on your movements and technique. Breathing is a big part of mindfulness and awareness is essential to maximise your workout while also making it less likely to suffer from an injury.  

4. Keep it Simple

Make your exercises and workouts simple but bring a killer effort to get the most out of your sessions in the gym. Keep things simple if you are new to the gym or even a particular exercise. If you are not confident about a movement, then do not do it without the help of a trainer until you develop your knowledge of different exercises. Beginners should be particularly cautious trying out something new before knowing what the activity involves.  

5. Enjoy yourself

Challenging yourself is part of the fun, and it is the only motivation you need. Workouts that are challenging are the best types of training, and over time, as you do the same exercises, you'll feel them get more comfortable and easier as you get stronger. Then move on to the next challenge and repeat! Making your workouts fun will encourage you to get to the gym more often, you can try going with a workout buddy, joining a group class, or listening to some energising music. Challenge yourself consistently while there, and naturally, you will see some fabulous results. It’s easy to skip workouts or eat unhealthy foods if you’re not committed and hold yourself accountable. There's little room for excuses here. There are so many different ways to maximise your workout and make exercising an enjoyable part of your life. Just get up, get out there and use these tips to keep yourself on track. Your future self that is healthier, happier and stronger will thank you!  

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