Tips for Keeping The Fat off after Losing Weight

Tips for Keeping The Fat off after Losing Weight
Regrettably, most people who manage to lose weight will end up gaining the lost weight back. However, don't be discouraged as many people lose weight and keep it off over the long term. There are several scientifically proven strategies you can follow to manage your new healthier weight, which ranges from controlling stress to exercising.  

Understanding Why Weight Regain Happens

Here are the common reasons that a person can gain back all the fat that they had lost:

Restrictive diets

  • Following extreme calorie limitations can affect your metabolism and increase your appetite significantly, thus contributing to weight gain.
  • Lack of sustainable habits:
  • Building healthy habits and making lifestyle changes is easier to do than using rigid rules or relying solely on willpower.

The wrong mindset

  • Do you consider any diet as the quickest way of shedding off some unwanted fat? Adopting a healthier mindset by looking for long-term solutions for improving your health, rather than quick fixes.
Once you understand why rebound weight gain happens, you can use these strategies below to maintain your ideal weight.  

Regular Exercise

Once you achieve your target weight, don't reduce the workouts. Regular exercise is vital to maintaining optimal weight, especially when combined with various lifestyle adjustments like proper nutrition. Regular workouts will ensure you maintain a healthy balance of energy, gaining muscle and burning calories. The result is that you'll have a better chance of maintaining that lean weight. Aim for an average of 30-minute exercise per day.  

Protein is your Friend

Consuming lots of protein helps in weight management as protein promote fullness while reducing appetite. Protein helps to increase levels of specific hormones that induce fullness, which limits how many calories you eat every day. Also, taking protein supplements will help as uping your protein intake will even increase your metabolism and give you the power to work out.  

Consider Weight Training

A reduction in overall muscle mass in your body will likely signal that you're losing weight. When you lose muscle, your metabolism also reduces, thus affecting the capacity to burn calories through the day. Engaging in resistance training, like weight lifting, can help prevent muscle loss, and will also help maintain a quicker metabolic rate. Lift weights at least twice a week, and try targeting all the muscle groups to get optimal results.  

Be Mentally Ready for Some Setbacks

A few setbacks are unavoidable during your weight loss journey. There are times when you will give into unhealthy cravings or even skip a training session. Nevertheless, those slip-ups do not mean that you should abandon your weight loss goals. Instead, move forward and commit to choosing better options next time. It is also helpful to plan for situations that will affect your ability to eat healthily, like upcoming holidays.  


Consistency is critical to keeping the fat off after losing weight. Even though it may seem challenging to adopt a healthy lifestyle at first, making healthier choices will come naturally with time. Incorporating weight loss and fat burner supplements from Supps R Us can help you manage your weight while you focus on nutrition and exercise.

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